Dr. Mimi Mumm

Mimi Mumm
  • Professor


ProfessorJuly 2007 to present**

Associate ProfessorJuly 1994 to June 2007

PhD Rutgers University Social WorkMay 1994

M.S.W. SUNY Buffalo Social WorkMay 1988

B.A. SUNY Buffalo PsychologyMay 1986


SWRK 532 Generalist Foundations & Skills: Direct Practice I
SWRK 533 Generalist Foundations & Skills: Direct Practice II
SWRK 580 Workshop
SWRK 600 Field Education & Seminar III
SWRK 644 Adv Clinic Practice & Research I
SWRK 680 Workshop

Currently Teaching

practice, interdisciplinary practice in schools

Areas of Interest

Child Welfare, Substance Abuse, Cross Cultural Helping/Diversity, Spirituality, Evaluation Research.

Areas of Expertise

school social work, child welfare, spirituality, and teaching clinical practice 


Program Evaluation for Children's Friend and Service, articles on Critical Thinking, Spirituality, and Substance Abuse.

Present Service Activities

Social worker at Worcester Pastoral Counseling Center, Serve on the Board of the Children's Trust Fund, RI, Program Evaluator for Children's Friend and Service, Social Action Committee at U.C.C. Worcester. ​​​