Dr. Kelly A. Acosta Faculty Assistant Professor emailkacosta@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8024 local_offer Department of Special Education Council of Rhode Island College
Mr. Jason S. Anthony Staff Director of Admissions Campus Visit Experience emailjanthony@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8234 local_offer Office of Undergraduate Admissions Council of Rhode Island College
Amy Barlow Faculty Associate Professor emailabarlow@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-9575 local_offer James P. Adams Library Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Wendy L. Becker Faculty Associate Professor emailwbecker@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-9686 local_offer School of Social Work Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Vincent Bohlinger Faculty Professor emailvbohlinger@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8028 local_offer Department of English Film Studies Program Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Aswood Bousseau Faculty Associate Professor emailabousseau@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8627 local_offer School of Social Work Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Michelle Brophy-Baermann Faculty Associate Professor emailmbrophy@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8720 local_offer Department of Political Science Office of Faculty Advising Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Susan A. Clark Faculty Assistant Professor emailsclark@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8046 local_offer Department of Health and Physical Education Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Christine Connolly Faculty Associate Professor emailcconnolly@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-9534 local_offer Department of Management and Marketing School of Business Council of Rhode Island College
Dr. Linda M. Dame Faculty Professor emailldame@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-9668 local_offer Zvart Onanian School of Nursing Council of Rhode Island College