Hayley Jamroz Baccaire Staff Special Assistant Office of the President emailhbaccaire@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8993 local_offer Office of the President
Kimberly Bright Staff Executive Director Strategic Initiatives emailkbright@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8101 local_offer Office of the President
Jenifer R. Giroux Staff Vice President of Corporate Relations and Professional Studies emailjgiroux@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8990 local_offer Office of the President
Clark M. Greene Staff Senior Advisor to the President and Chief of Staff emailcgreene@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8440 local_offer Office of the President Division of College Advancement
Paul Harrington Staff Director of Strategic Initiatives (OWL) emailpharrington@xyschool.net local_offer Office of the President
Ishwar Khatiwada Staff Data Scientist emailikhatiwada@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8101 local_offer Office of the President
Margaret Lynch-Gadaleta Staff General Counsel / Assistant Vice President of Human Resources emailmlynchgadaleta@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8387 local_offer Office of the President
Mrs. Christina Messina Staff Assistant to the President emailcmessina@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8101 local_offer Office of the President
Jack Warner Staff President emailjwarner@xyschool.net local_phone401-456-8101 local_offer Office of the President Council of Rhode Island College